Need An Injury Attorney Iowa – Bus Accident
Statistically, buses are a safer means of transportation than cars or motorcycles. But when a bus accident does happen the effects can be catastrophic. The reasons for this is that most buses do not offer the same safety features modern cars do. Many times they are packed with passengers standing. Also, buses have a higher center of gravity which tends to make them roll over during a collision. For those injured in a bus accident, finding the compensation they deserve can be a daunting task. Public transit authorities are slow to file claims and have limited funds. This does not excuse them from making the proper retributions.
Bus drivers are held to a higher responsibility than other commercial drivers. So under the law, when an accident happens from driver negligence the consequences for them could be increased. Establishing negligence means examining the driver, tracking the conditions of the road, and investigating the vehicle. Many situations could have been avoided if newer safety features had been installed in the bus. This could mean finding the maintenance records of the particular bus which is often hard to do in many cases. Hiring a personal injury attorney is the best case investigate the accident and get compensation for the victims.
When a bus accident involves children as is possible with school buses, the law looks upon minors as requiring special protection regarding safety issues. School bus drivers are trained to look out for children playing around the bus and crossing without looking. The negligence that causes a school bus accident may be traced to many
circumstances. The liability may depend on special circumstances within each school district. However, the most often cases are due to the driver failing to operate with caution, the vehicle having a malfunction that was overlooked, or proper safety requirements were not in place for the entrance and exit of the bus. Hiring a personal
injury lawyer near you will ensure the investigation is performed with accuracy.
If you or a family member were recently involved in a bus accident while riding or as a driver or passenger in another vehicle or as a pedestrian or cyclist then please contact the good people at to discuss the options available for moving forward with a claim. We will take you call at no charge and can guide you through the process ahead. There are many options available and you do not have to deal with your suffering alone. Our lawyers are skilled in bus accident cases and will work to get you the maximum compensation to cover your needs.